Tuesday, January 26, 2010

State of Women's Basketball

Today I decided to speak from the heart about something that I am passionate about. Where is the state of women's basketball going, where is the positive synergy that once surrounded the women's basketball in 1997 with the beginning of the ABL and WNBA after our women's national team won gold in Atlanta. It seems as we have move forward in time corporations, owners and even the media are losing the point of having female athletes accessible to young girls across the world. Yeah the WNBA is here and has been here since 1997 but is it really influencing lives like it could or is the league constantly getting butchered by media and major corporations because it is not like the men's game. These women do so much for their communities, and the game that goes way beyond any criiticism in which they take for the game they love to play. They touch lives and inspire young girls all around the world. That is what the focus and support should be about. The game has grown so much but still has so much more to go. Will the game of women's basketball get the support it really needs or will it continue to be the other league until young girls will not have women's basketball players to look up to anymore. Now is the time for change

Through out the year I will back up my opinions with statistics and hard facts but I just wanted to stir up conversations.

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